Ask a Dietitian: Can Foods Prevent Yeast Infections?

Question: Hi Paula. Can foods help with yeast infections? If so, what foods? Would you be able to say why it is that these foods might help with yeast infections? Is there any research to suggest that they would prevent yeast infections? ~Danielle P. Yes, r esearch has shown a number of foods may help treat and prevent yeast infections. For those who don't know what a yeast infection is, y east infections are a type of sickness caused by a fungus. People can get yeast infections that affect various parts the body, including the skin (dermatitis), mouth (thrush), esophagus, and genitals. Foods that may help fight and prevent yeast infections include cayenne, clove, Chinese leek, garlic grapes, wine, Pau D'Arco tea, and yogurt . Although I have had patients try to apply these foods to their infected body parts, I'd recommend eating or drinking these foods instead. I'm not sure how much in-depth science you w...